
Thursday, October 31, 2024

Today I'd like to share with you a few more of my art pieces I've created.  Mostly I am self taught, however, my neighbor and artist has taught basics in her classes.  My renowned art teacher has won many of her own art awards while helping to introduce me to acrylic painting.  She was interested in seeing my water color cards I had been dabbling with before I met her.  She was kind enough to enroll me in a few of her classes to help me learn more basics of painting and drawing in general.   It's been about three years now and during my learning time here are some of my favorites and what I've done with my new learned skills from classes.   

My very first painting and learning what is called
still art in my 1st Class.  My done product.

My second painting from her class.

Third painting done from her class.

During class we told to try and reproduce a painting we liked.
I do not know the artist to give credit to their name?  
Mine was a similar composition as the unknown artist, it's close but not exact as there's.
I think the original was done in watercolor?
This is one of my favorites as it hangs on my living room wall 
and not being able to credit to the great artist.

On to more .....
that I've done over the couple years.


 Its been ages since I've blogged, however, if you are recently joining me again I am now proud to show you my new love and designs for painting with acrylics on canvas's.   I've been doing paintings now for about two years and have bowed out of card design making.  

Here I would like to show you some of my latest designs of art I've created and even managed to have two of my paintings entered into our local art center last fall in 2023.  Why not take a peek at some of my favorite's to enjoy viewing.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

I've not posted in ages and I've decided to add a few more water coloring drawings and paintings I've made recently.  Each of my pictures are done on watercolor sized paper of approximate 4' x 5' and eventually made into a greeting card and sent to others.

I think blogging is sort of a thing of the past and more people are interested in Pinterest.   Most of my work is inspired by other works and then I try to recreate the into my own images.  I started this a few years ago trying to play with water colors and left making greeting cards with dies and so on.  I've not taken any art classes but just dabble with it for personal fun.  I am certainly no professional but have fun trying to see what I can and cannot do?   More of my work is placed in Pinterest under "Stamping A Little Sunshine".

Sorry the pictures are not of the greatest quality any longer, I have stopped editing them because there are no free editing picture sites anymore that I can find?

Hope you enjoy?  If so leave me a comment here so I know you've visited recently.  I will eventually post more for you, if you let me know you'd enjoyed them?

Drew with pencil and then water colored these into birthday cards for my daughter and son-in-law for their birthdays this year that are only days apart.

A few beach scenes which are my favorite things to draw and make.

Made this for my son's birthday card since he lives on a lake and has a pontoon boat and love boating.

Just for fun.

Love drawing flowers also.

Thanks for stopping!  

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Water Coloring New Beginnings....

You may have noticed I've not been posting much.  I've taken a new direction in my card making and found out that I have more artistic ability than I ever thought?

Water-coloring has always been a passion of mine when I see it it done by particular artists and paintings that I run across, I always stop to admire their work.  I don't remember why I even tried to think that maybe I could get into it with any success?

One day I bought a paint brush kit that had tubes of watercolor and a few brushes in a case to store it.  I came home started playing with the colors and of course on Pinterest began to try to copy pictures that I thought I could possibly paint.  You may find some look a likes of these on Pinterest and notice mine are similar, but a tad bit different.  Go to "Stamping A Little Sunshine" on Pinterest and click on Water Coloring Cards.  You will see where my inspiration came from there.

Here are a few water color card fronts that I've painted and copied from ideas on Pinterest.  I always said "I couldn't draw a stick figure to save my soul".

These two scene coloring's are favorites of mine. 

I will be posting other ones I've done.... so stay tuned if you enjoy water coloring as I do!

How wrong, I was, all these years and didn't know that I had any artistic ability inside myself for  almost 60+  years?  Sometimes we just have to branch out from (our comfort zone) and try something we never thought was possible of your self.  

Friday, December 1, 2017

One Night, One Birth, One Life....2017

Image result for images pretty christmas clip art
Christmas is almost everyone's favorite time of the year?  Mine included. I love all the twinkle and glitz as well as the whole reason for the season.  "Jesus".
With this years card  I set out to try and capture the outdoors feel to the season.  As I originally said I make a about 40 cards and start preparing in the early summer months.  Working on each one a little at a time as to not be overwhelmed at the last minute.  Each year I tell myself this is the last.  Or try cutting down on the number sent.  However, I always seem to purge forward the next year.  Not sure about next year, at the momet?  
The inside of the card reads as it shows. 
This year I had a hard time trying to make the photographs clear for you.  There is not a great "free" internet program out there to really enhance and capture the true look in real time.   Very disappointing!  Sorry..... !  In close up, they twinkle beautifully.  Glitter glue is added to the light green trees and I used glitter paper for the deer and pine cone leaf. 

May your Christmas season be filled with the love of family, friends and blessings in 2018.
Image result for images pretty christmas clip art

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